What's His Motive?

GBM and Corbin Fiscal examine Shotcaller’s actions.

Ben turned the doorknob and opened the office door at GPW headquarters. “Headquarters” was a tad overstated, as it was a rented floor on the 4th floor of a downtown Memphis office building. Not bad for a regional wrestling promotion, however.

Sitting at his desk, always prudent in his shirt and tie, was Corbin Fiscal. He had quite a different look when he wasn’t in the ring. His proud athleticism was hidden behind the furrowed brow of a polished finance professional.

After opening the door, Ben gave a polite, light knock on the door.

“Corbin, do you have a minute?”

Golden Pro Wrestling’s accountant looked up from his dual monitors and smiled.

“Ben!” Corbin exclaimed. “What do I owe the pleasure?”

GBM entered and took a seat in front of his desk and stressfully exhaled.

“After last week, it’s obvious Shotcaller has targeted the Golden Pros,” Ben began. “And I’m trying to figure out why.”

Corbin leaned back and let out a similarly stressed exhale.

“I’ve been trying to figure that out myself,” confirmed Corbin, who stretched his neck. He was obviously still in discomfort after Shotcaller hit him with a Drive-By for the second time in two weeks.

Ben looked upward and pondered.

“Last season we really didn’t have much to do with each other. In fact, I saved his butt when Violence was going to give him a second Blur Out at Gold Strike 3. Then, this season, he’s interfering in all of our matches?”

“There’s some other strange things going on, too,” Corbin confirmed. “He missed Gold Rush for unknown reasons, and then…”

“What is it, Corbin?”

“Well, this is only anecdotal, but a $50,000 payment was made to Golden Pro Wrestling’s lawyer right after Gold Rush.”

Ben’s eyes went wide.

“Fifty THOUSAND!?”

“Yeah, and there’s no way I can get Malcom Marshall or Parker Meloche to tell me what it was for. And, according to our bylaws, Parker has unfettered discretion for managing GPW’s budget.”

With concern, GMB leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees.

“Okay, say we’re conspiracy theorists,” Ben bemused. “Shotcaller misses Gold Rush, and Parker needed $50K to fix it. That would put Shotcaller in Parker’s pocket, right?”

“Maybe,” Corbin replied. “But that’s all that is, a conspiracy theory. You’d need some real evidence before you go any further.”

Ben stood up and put his hands on his hips.

“Alright, this is a start. I’m going to keep digging and see if I can come up with anything else.”

“Go get him, Ben.”

Golden Ben Miller nodded and thanked Corbin before leaving.

He may not have gotten any real answers, but he knew something was up between GPW Commissioner Parker Meloche and Shotcaller.

There had to be.

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