Sudden Turn

Two Spirit Airlines pilots have a little fun with their passengers.

Golden Pro Wrestling’s Commissioner, Parker Meloche, sat idly in his seat. The steady sound of the jetliner hummed in the background while two flight attendants pushed a drink cart carefully down the thin aisle.

When they stopped by Parker’s row, he politely gestured that he didn’t want anything. The flight attendant smiled and went on to the next passenger, who asked for water.

He was so close to being home; this last journey had taken him to Tibet, Alaska, western Canada, and Los Angeles. While exhausting, it was also very fruitful. He had hauled in four more prized members of the Golden Pro Wrestling roster.

He kicked himself for going cheap and booking a flight on Spirit Airlines back to Memphis, but he needed to keep business costs under control. Golden Glen Miller had deep pockets, though Parker knew that he had to have a balanced budget to make GPW work.

“Ehhhhh,” the voice of the plane’s captain sounded over the intercom. “Hi folks, we’re… ehhhhh… about 30 minutes from… ehhhhh… Memphis.”

Parker was certain he heard a stifled laugh from another voice over the intercom.

“Ehhhhh,” the captain continued. “We appreciate you… ehhhh… flying with Spirit Airlines. We just need to make a… ehhhhh… slight turn as we approach the airport.”

Another stifled laugh in the background on the intercom.

Suddenly the plane banked hard to the left sending drinks spilling off trays and leaving the flight attendants scrambling to keep everything from falling off the drink cart. Passengers exclaimed in shock and frustration as the plane leveled out.

An hour later, Parker and the rest of the flight’s passengers slowly shuffled their way off the plane one-by-one. As he neared the exit at the front of the plane, he nodded to the two pilots standing at the door to the cockpit.

They were exceptionally fit looking men, but the smiles on their faces seemed insincere. When Parker instinctively smiled and nodded, they glanced at each other, grinned and nodded back.

Something seemed ‘off’ about those two, thought Parker.

He decided to forget about it. He had to get back to his office and take a call about two ex-Air Force fighter pilots looking to get some action in the ring.

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