Da Bloodz

Choo Choo

When you rep red, nothing else matters. Shotcaller hit up his homies back in Los Angeles after he was shot at Gold Strike 17. They hopped on a plane for Memphis and are here to back up their boy all the way.

Intro Music: “California Love” by 2Pac

Finisher: The Bleed Out

Finisher Description:Wazzup slams opponent in a kneebarrel position, and Choo Choo hits a moonsault knee

Recent Feature Story


Now Pure Gold Champion, Shotcaller ties up a loose end.

Match History

Gold Strike 20
Endgame vs. Da Bloodz
Winner: Endgame

More Tag Teams

Bounce Squad

Two local strip club bouncers who protect GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano at both events and while dancing.

The Dominars

Two dark, mysterious competitors aligned and under the command of the Draconian.

The Orderlies

Staff members of Dr. Dean who are responsible for managing his mental patients on work-release at events.

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