Bounce Squad


GPW reporter Vicky Cogliano is a successful exotic dancer at The Gold Club in Memphis. After being stalked by Reject in Season 1, Bounce Squad has stepped up as her protectors.

Intro Music: “Sittin’ Sideways” by Paul Wall

Finisher: Gone Clubbin’

Finisher Description: Chavez drops a leg across the laying opponent’s head while Blain drops a knee on their stomach.

Recent Feature Story

No More Dancing

Reject tries to stop Vicky Cagliano’s side hustle.

Match History

Gold Strike 7
Bounce Squad vs. Your Captains
Winner: Bounce Squad
Gold Strike 10
Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Gold Strike 12
Bounce Squad vs. The Wild Kards
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 15
Fort Knocks Qualification Battle Royale
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 15
Bounce Squad vs. The Dominars
Winner: The Dominars
Gold Strike 18
Endgame vs. Bounce Squad
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 19
DEI Match
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 20
Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies
Winner: Bounce Squad

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