The Orderlies

Orderly Caruso
Orderly Summers

Loyal employees of Dr. Dean, Orderly Caruso and Orderly Summers are responsible for handling the Greater Memphis Psychiatric Institute patients. They are also deployed inside the ring to represent Dr. Dean’s interests in the Golden Pro Wrestling Tag Team division.

Intro Music: “Happy?” by Mudvayne

Finisher: Under Control

Finisher Description: Two Man Powerbomb

Recent Feature Story

Final Treatment

Dr. Dean and the Orderlies administer the last dosage to Abel Unstable.

Match History

Gold Strike 1
The Wild Kards vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Gold Strike 4
Endgame vs. The Orderlies
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 6
The Wild Kards vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 10
Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Gold Strike 11
Orderly Caruso vs. Cory Stenson
Winner: Cory Stenson
Gold Strike 14
Endgame vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Fort Knocks
The Orderlies vs. The Wild Kards
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 19
DEI Match
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 20
Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies
Winner: Bounce Squad

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