Orderly Caruso

One half of the tag team The Orderlies, he is a staff member reporting to Dr. Dean and responsible for handling the doctor’s mental patients.

Height/Weight: 6’8″ 285 lbs

Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

Intro Music: “Happy?” by Mudvayne

Wrestling Style: Power

Finisher: Medication Time

Finisher Description: Sit-Out Powerbomb

Recent Feature Story

Final Treatment

Dr. Dean and the Orderlies administer the last dosage to Abel Unstable.

Match History

Gold Strike 1
The Wild Kards vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Gold Strike 4
Endgame vs. The Orderlies
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 6
The Wild Kards vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 10
Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Gold Strike 11
Orderly Caruso vs. Cory Stenson
Winner: Cory Stenson
Gold Strike 14
Endgame vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Fort Knocks
The Orderlies vs. The Wild Kards
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 19
DEI Match
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 20
Bounce Squad vs. The Orderlies
Winner: Bounce Squad

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