Capt. John Cunningham

He was always a pain for his superior officers; directly disobeying orders and taking fighter jets on joy rides. It’s no surprise his career in the United States Air Force was short-lived.

Besides scaring commercial airline passengers with fake nosedives and sudden turns, he impresses himself with aerial maneuvers in the ring.

Height/Weight: 6’0″ 210 lbs

Hometown: Kingman, Arizona

Intro Music: “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins

Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Finisher: The Red Eye

Finisher Description: 360 Frog Splash

Recent Feature Story

Getting Laidover

Your Captains mentally and physically prepare for Season 2.

Match History

Gold Strike 2
Endgame vs. Your Captains
Winner: Your Captains
Gold Strike 3
Your Captains vs. The Wild Kards
Winner: Your Captains
Gold Rush
Endgame vs. Your Captains
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 7
Bounce Squad vs. Your Captains
Winner: Bounce Squad
The Golden Moment
The Wild Kards vs. Your Captains vs. Endgame
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 12
Ejercito de Juan vs. Capt. John
Winner: Ejercito de Juan
Gold Strike 13
Golden Ben Miller vs. Your Captains
Winner: Your Captains
Gold Strike 15
Fort Knocks Qualification Battle Royale
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 16
The Dominars vs. Your Captains
Winner: The Dominars
Gold Strike 18
Capt. John Cunningham vs. Decade
Winner: Decade
Gold Strike 19
DEI Match
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 20
Your Captains vs. The Dominars
Winner: The Dominars

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