
Ugly. Disfigured. Grotesque. Unlovable.

Call him what you like because it’s nothing he’s never heard before.

Perhaps the most apt description is ‘bitter.’ His only mission in life is to turn others into the horrible monster he has become.

Height/Weight: 6’6″ 250 lbs

Hometown: Naperville, Illinois

Intro Music: “Bloodwork” by 36 Crazyfists

Style: Hardcore

Finisher: The Left Swipe

Finisher Description: Double Knee Gutbuster

Recent Feature Story

No More Dancing

Reject tries to stop Vicky Cagliano’s side hustle.

Match History

Gold Strike 2
King Crab Mack vs. Reject
Winner: King Crab Mack
Gold Strike 4
Crosscheck Beck vs. Reject
Winner: Reject
Gold Strike 5
Sicko vs. Reject
Winner: Sicko
Gold Rush
Reject vs. Flip Costa
Winner: Flip Costa
Gold Strike 6
Crosscheck Beck vs. Reject
Winner: Crosscheck Beck
Gold Strike 9
Reject vs. Sicko
Draw: Double Count Out
Gold Strike 10
Reject vs. Awoke
Winner: Awoke
Gold Strike 11
Golden Ben Miller vs. Reject
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 15
Fort Knocks Qualification Battle Royale
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 15
Corbin Fiscal vs. Reject
Winner: Corbin Fiscal
Fort Knocks
Sicko vs. Reject vs. Crosscheck Beck
Winner: Reject
Gold Strike 18
Sicko vs. Reject
Winner: Reject
Sicko vs. Reject
Winner: Sicko

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