Ryan Rogue

So far, so good for this strong athlete from Washington. He has all the tools to succeed in professional wrestling, and has paired up with his tag team partner, Phaser, to help accomplish that goal. However, he’s been known to do the unexpected and surprise everyone else, including his teammate and himself.

Height/Weight: 6’3″ 250lbs

Hometown: Yakima, Washington

Intro Music: “Helicopter Mack” by Archnemesis

Wrestling Style: All-Around

Finisher: Rogue DDT

Finisher Description: Full-Nelson DDT

Recent Feature Story

It Continues

Endgame enjoys their moment as GPW’s tag team champions.

Match History

Gold Strike 2
Endgame vs. Your Captains
Winner: Your Captains
Gold Strike 4
Endgame vs. The Orderlies
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 5
Endgame vs. The Wild Kards
Winner: Endgame
Gold Rush
Endgame vs. Your Captains
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 8
The Wild Kards vs. Endgame
Winner: Endgame
The Golden Moment
The Wild Kards vs. Your Captains vs. Endgame
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 13
Endgame vs. The Dominars
Winner: The Dominars
Gold Strike 14
Endgame vs. The Orderlies
Winner: The Orderlies
Gold Strike 15
Fort Knocks Qualification Battle Royale
Winner: Golden Ben Miller
Gold Strike 17
Endgame vs. The Wild Kards
Winner: The Wild Kards
Gold Strike 18
Endgame vs. Bounce Squad
Winner: Endgame
Gold Strike 20
Endgame vs. Da Bloodz
Winner: Endgame

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